¿Qué pasa si construyes una piscina sin permiso?

Constructing a pool without permission can be a costly mistake. Building a pool without permission or the necessary permits from the local municipality or building authority can result in significant penalties, fines, and even the destruction of the pool. This article will discuss the legalities and repercussions of constructing a pool without permission and provide advice on how to avoid such a costly mistake.

What is the legal requirement?

In most jurisdictions, it is a legal requirement to obtain a permit before constructing a pool. This requirement is in place to ensure that the pool is constructed in a safe and legal manner and meets all the relevant building codes. Failure to obtain a permit can result in a variety of penalties, depending on the jurisdiction.

What are the potential penalties?

The potential penalties for constructing a pool without permission vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In some jurisdictions, it may result in a fine of up to several thousand dollars. In other jurisdictions, it may result in the destruction of the pool. In some cases, it may even result in criminal charges.

Financial Penalties

Financial penalties are the most common penalty for constructing a pool without permission. These can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the jurisdiction and the severity of the violation. Additionally, the local municipality or building authority may require the pool owner to pay for any inspections or other costs associated with the violation.

Destruction of the Pool

In some jurisdictions, the local municipality or building authority may require the destruction of the pool if it was constructed without permission. This is done to ensure that the pool is in compliance with all the relevant building codes and regulations. In these cases, the pool owner may be responsible for the cost of the destruction.

Criminal Charges

In rare cases, constructing a pool without permission can result in criminal charges. This is usually only the case if the pool was constructed in a reckless or dangerous manner, or if the pool owner attempted to evade the authorities. Criminal charges can result in hefty fines, jail time, and a criminal record.

How to Avoid Constructing a Pool Without Permission

The best way to avoid constructing a pool without permission is to contact the local municipality or building authority before beginning construction. They can provide the necessary information and guidance to ensure that the pool is built in a safe and legal manner. Additionally, it is important to make sure that all the necessary permits and approvals are obtained before beginning construction.


Constructing a pool without permission can result in significant penalties, fines, and even the destruction of the pool. It is important to contact the local municipality or building authority before beginning construction and make sure that all the necessary permits and approvals are obtained. Following these steps can help avoid a costly mistake.

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