¿Dónde da más el sol en la playa o en la piscina?

Where do you get more sun, at the beach or at the pool? This is a question that many people have asked themselves when deciding where to spend their days in the summer. The answer is that it really depends on a few factors such as your skin type, your location, and what activities you plan on doing.


The beach can be a great place to get some sun, but there are a few things to consider before taking the plunge. The first is that the beach can be very windy, which can make it difficult to get an even tan. The sun is also more intense on the beach, so it is important to use sunscreen and limit your exposure time. Additionally, there are usually more people on the beach, which can make it difficult to find a spot to lay down your towel and soak up the sun.


The pool can also be a great place to get some sun, but there are a few things to consider before jumping in. The first is that the pool is usually more sheltered from the wind, making it easier to get an even tan. The sun is also more diffused, making it easier to stay out in the sun for longer periods of time without worrying about sunburn. Additionally, the pool is usually less crowded than the beach, making it easier to find a spot to relax and get some sun.


Overall, it really depends on your skin type, location, and activities you plan on doing when deciding between the beach and the pool. The beach can be a great place to get some sun, but it can be windy and more crowded. The pool can also be a great place to get some sun, but it can be more sheltered and less crowded.


  • Always use sunscreen, no matter where you decide to get your sun.
  • Limit your exposure time in the sun, even if you are using sunscreen.
  • Stay hydrated and take breaks in the shade.
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