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The Y-40 Deep Joy Pool

The Y-40 Deep Joy Pool is the world’s deepest swimming pool and is located in Montegrotto Terme, Italy. It has a depth of 40 meters (131 feet) and is filled with thermal mineral water. The pool was designed by architect Emanuele Boaretto and was opened in 2014.

Features of the Y-40 Deep Joy Pool

The Y-40 Deep Joy Pool is the deepest swimming pool in the world and it has some impressive features. It has five different areas with different depths and temperatures, from 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) to 40 meters (131 feet). The pool is also equipped with underwater caves, hydro massage beds, a waterfall, and a trampoline. The pool is also equipped with underwater cameras and lights, which make it a great spot for underwater photography.

Activities at the Y-40 Deep Joy Pool

The Y-40 Deep Joy Pool is a great spot for recreational swimming and diving. The pool is also used for freediving and training sessions. Professional divers can use the pool to practice and hone their skills. The pool is also a great spot for underwater photography and filming.

Safety Measures at the Y-40 Deep Joy Pool

The Y-40 Deep Joy Pool is equipped with a number of safety measures to ensure the safety of all its visitors. The pool has two trained and certified lifeguards on duty at all times. There is also a safety platform at a depth of 10 meters (33 feet), which is equipped with medical equipment and oxygen tanks. The pool also has a decompression chamber for divers who experience decompression sickness.


The Y-40 Deep Joy Pool is the world’s deepest swimming pool and it is located in Montegrotto Terme, Italy. It has a depth of 40 meters (131 feet) and is filled with thermal mineral water. The pool is equipped with a number of safety measures to ensure the safety of all its visitors. It is a great spot for recreational swimming, diving, freediving, and training sessions. Professional divers can use the pool to practice and hone their skills. The pool is also a great spot for underwater photography and filming.

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